Yahoo’s beautiful News Digest app for iOS is Summly, enhanced!


Yahoo’s mission for today’s CES 2014 keynote was literally this – simplifying daily habits. One of them, according to Marissa Mayer, CEO, was daily news and the way we consume it. It’s a total information overload, with multiple news sources reporting the same news, according to Yahoo, so to fix that, they have announced a new app for the iPhone, called the Yahoo News Digest. This is basically the result of the Summly acquisition that happened during March last year, because the resulting app is striking and beautiful, very much like Summly, the very unique news summarizing app that was. Nick, Summly’s founder who got acquired by Yahoo in the process, demoed the new app, based on the same principles of news collection and short summaries that made Summly popular, but this takes that concept further.


The Yahoo News Digest app is delightfully designed with great looking design and surprisingly fluid animation, partly thanks to the iOS 7 framework. Beyond the looks lies the function, which is, creating summaries of the most important news stories twice a day. These news bits will carry “Atoms” from multiple sources, which are intelligently gathered through a unique algorithm. Detailing on the “Atoms” –

Our Atoms assembled from around the web include articles, maps, infographics, Wikipedia extracts, videos, photos and more. Stories contain different atomic units which convey different dimensions of the story from the who, what, when, how, and why of a topic.

These Atoms hope to enrich your daily story intake, and even if you are done reading up all the stories and its Atoms, just a swipe up will reveal more to whet your appetite. This is easily one of the most well designed apps we have seen from Yahoo and the function doesn’t fail to impress too. It is already available for download on the app store, do check it out(if you are in the US, not sure why it isn’t global yet, but wait for the roll out).

via Yahoo

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Author: Bharadwaj Chandramouli

Bharadwaj is a content creator who has been obsessed with technology since the early days of smartphones. He loves talking about tech, is a fan of good design and photography. You can follow him on Twitter @gadgetbuff_ to know what he's upto!
