Samsung has finally started rolling out Android 4.3 (Jelly Bean) update for the Indian Galaxy S3 users. The update brings, Galaxy Gear support, improved Samsung Keyboard, new GPU drivers, New S-Voice (from Galaxy S4) and lots more. Samsung paused the roll out globally in November last year due to software issues weeks after the roll out and resumed it early December.
The various features that are included in the update are as follows
- Support for GALAXY GEAR smartwatch
- ANT+ Support
- Updated UI elements
- New and improved Samsung Keyboard
- Better performance and faster device thanks to TRIM Support in Android 4.3 Jellybean
- GPU drivers have been updated (Higher GPU benchmark scores) and better gaming performance
- New Lockscreen: Multiple Widgets, improved ripple effect than Android 4.1.2, ability to change clock size and set a personal message
- New Screen modes (From S4): Adapt Display and Professional Photo
- Daydream feature from Android 4.2 JellyBean
- New S-Voice (from Galaxy S4)
- Driving mode
- Move-to-SD-card feature
- Actionable notifications
- New Camera mode : Sound and Shot
- New Additions in Notification Centre
- Completely revamped Settings UI (Tabbed interface – Exactly like the Galaxy S4)
- Implementation of Voice controls (Let’s you control various parts of the phone using voice commands – Galaxy S4 feature)
- New Samsung Apps: Calculator, Clock, Contacts, Gallery, Music
- Full screen Samsung apps
As you can see from the software update image above, the size of the over-the-air (OTA) update is 407.99 MB. You can try updating the phone using Kies software, if it fails. All the new tablets that were announced at the CES runs on Android 4.4 (KitKat) out of the box, but Samsung is yet to announced the KitKat roll out details for their old devices.