Xolo was the first company to bring Intel powered smartphones to the market and now, they are the first company to bring AMD processor powered tablets in India. Xolo unveiled their first Windows tablet – Xolo Win at the CES 2014. Xolo Win is a 10.1inch display tablet with a resolution of 1366×768 pixels and it runs on Windows 8.1 OS. We went hands on with the device and you can check out the video right below.
The specifications of the Xolo Win tablet are
- AMD A4 -1200 Dual Core 1.0 GHz Processor “Temash” Generation
- AMD Radeon HD 8180G Graphics
- 10.1″, 16:9 LED – 1366 x768
- Windows 8 Certified
- 10 fingers touch
- 2 Speakers: 1.5W each
- Wireless LAN + Bluetooth 4.0
- Internal Storage EMMC 32 GB
- Camera – Front: 1 MP, Rear: 2 MP
- Battery – 2 SIP, 7.4V, 3550 mAh, 26.27 W; Battery Life: 7 hours; Charging Time of < 3hrs
The tablet looks quite big because of the 10.1inch display and the big bezels on its sides. The tablet looks solid thanks to the aluminum build and feels quite premium. Despite the aluminum build, the tablet feels light.
Above the display, we have a 1MP front facing camera and below the display, there is the traditional Windows key. On the top of the tablet, we have the just the power lock button.
On the right side, we have the volume rocker, microHDMI port, microSD Card slot, charging port, microUSB port and 3.5mm audio jack.
There is nothing on the left side and the bottom. On the back, we have a 2MP camera and a couple of speakers along with the Xolo branding.