Skullcandy has launched Football Club Series Headphones in India for all the football fans, though Brandeyes Distributors . These headphones and earphones series are available for a range of following football clubs such as, AC Milan (Italy), Chelsea FC (England) and Olympique de Marseille (France).
Skullcandy Uprock FC
- Twin 40mm drivers
- Tangle-proof flat cables
- Ergonomic design, soft-touch finish, and plush ear pillows
- Price: Rs. 2,999 (MRP)
Skullcandy Hesh 2 FC
- Sleek and simplified design with conical over-ear housing drives
- Built-in microphone for calls
- Controls to switch tracks
- Detachable cable for mobility
- Soft leather touch ear pillows for precision fit and acoustics
- Price: Rs. 5,699 (MRP)
Skullcandy Ink’d 2 FC
- In-ear headphones
- Different sized ear buds
- Built-in microphone for calls
- Flattened Cable
- Price: Rs. 1,699 (MRP)
These new Skullcandy football series headphones are available through intersection retail stores across India.