Last week LG confirmed that it would launch the LG G Pro 2, successor of the LG G Pro later this month. According to a report by Korea’s Fnnews, the G Pro 2 would feature a 5.9-inch (1920 x 1080 pixels) full HD display with a screen-to-body ratio of 77.2%, better than the LG G2 which has screen-to-body ratio of 76.4%. Thanks to the 0.4 mm thin side bezel, the G Pro 2 would have the highest screen-to-body ratio.
It has G2-like rear-mounted power button and volume keys, according to the leaked images. Earlier this week LG confirmed that the G Pro 2 would feature a 13-megapixel rear camera with LED flash, OIS Plus, 4K video recording and a 2.1-megapixel front-facing camera.
We still don’t have the complete specifications of the G Pro 2 yet. According to earlier rumors, the LG G Pro 2 is rumored to come with a Snapdragon 800 processor, 3GB of RAM, Android 4.4 KitKat and LTE-A support. It would come with a new UI and software features such as Knock (Previously Knock ON), QSlide and more.