HTC rumored to be manufacturing a Nexus tablet

HTC, the Taiwanese smartphone manufacturer, is facing a lot of heat and competition from other companies in the Android smartphone market and so they may have set their eyes on the tablet market “again”. HTC had previously entered the tablet market and met with little success with two of its tablets – HTC Flyer and HTC JetStream. According to rumors, HTC is all set to make a return into the tablet market with the next generation Nexus tablets.

According to Commercial Times who did not quote a source, HTC has won orders from Google to produce the next high end Nexus tablets that will start shipping by Q3, 2014. When asked about this, HTC declined to comment and that is the usual scenario with most companies.

Google’s Nexus tablets are fancied for a couple of reasons – direct updates from Google and their affordable pricing. HTC’s tablets were hardly known outside the tech industry because of its huge price tag and when we are hearing rumors that HTC will be the one producing the next generation Nexus tablets, the pricing factor may not be as affordable as it was when Asus produced the first two generation of Nexus 7. These are only rumors and everything is speculation at the moment. HTC may also be producing the high end version of a Nexus tablet like the one Samsung produced – Google Nexus 10.


Monish Kumar: Monish is passionate about smartphones who is also interested in User Experience and Design. He is currently using Samsung Galaxy S3. You can follow him on Twitter and Google+
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