Flappy Bird is no more, pulled from Android and iOS stores

The very infamous Flappy Bird was introduced to smartphones and tablets back in 2013, but it gained widespread popularity only in the past couple of weeks. Ever since, almost everybody was complaining about the game saying that it was tough to play. A lot of raging tweets and posts filled social media. All these voices seemed to have reached the developer Dong Nguyen as he tweeted over the weekend saying that the game would be taken down within 22 hours.


The reason for taking down the game are unknown and the game was reported to be fetching $50,000 a day through Ad revenue. The game was available in Android and iOS initially and once the popularity went through the roof, the developer said that a Windows Phone version of the game will be available within ten days. But the game din’t make it and there is near original clone Flappy Bird game in Windows Phone store.

As you can see from the tweets, there is no disclosed reason for taking down the game except for – ” I cannot take this anymore ” and the developer had also mentioned that there were no legal issues and that he is not going to sell off the game. Though the game may have been tough to play, it was just a game.

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Author: Monish Kumar

Monish is passionate about smartphones who is also interested in User Experience and Design. He is currently using Samsung Galaxy S3. You can follow him on Twitter and Google+