ARM today announced the Cortex-A17, the company’s latest processor that would offer 60% more performance than the ARM Cortex-A9 processor. It is paired with ARM Mali-T720 GPU that has Open GL ES 3.0 support. The Cortex-A17 is based on 28nm process technology and ARMv7-A architecture. It can go up to 2GHz per CPU and supports ARM big.LITTLE processing using the CoreLink CCI-400 Cache Coherent Interconnect.
The Mali-T720 GPU, ARM’s latest cost-optimized graphics solution is targeted at entry-level Android devices. ARM has also announced Mali-V500 mid-range IP suite that supports up to 4K resolutions and when combined with the new Mali-DP500 display controller.
Ultimate Mid-range Mobile 2015+ big.LITTLE
- 2GHz+ Quad-core Cortex-A17 processor with Quad-core Cortex-A7 processor
- 2Ghz+ Dual-core Cortex-A17 processor with Quad-core Cortex-A7 processor
Mid-range Mobile 2015+ big.LITTLE
- 1.5GHz – 2GHz Dual-core Cortex-A17 processor and Quad-core Cortex-A7 processor
- 1.5GHz – 2GHz Dual-core Cortex-A17 processor and Dual-core Cortex-A7 processor
Mid-range Mobile 2015
- 1.0 – 2.0 GHz Quad-core Cortex-A17 solutions
Highlights of Mali T720 GPU
- Open GL ES 3.0, OpenCL and RenderScript, extending the rich visual experience
- 4x Full Scene Anti-Aliasing (FSAA)
- Frequency 695MHz in 28nm HPM
- ARM Mali-DP500 display processor.
The new Cortex-A17 mid-range processor with the Mali T720 GPU is expected in mobile devices sometime in 2015.