Nokia announced its X Series smartphones, the Nokia X, X+ and XL running on Android. These phones are based on Android AOSP with Nokia’s custom platform on top. Yesterday, SwiftKey announced that the Swifkey keyboard would be available for the Nokia X series of smartphones for free. Today, Truecaller has announced that the Truecaller Caller ID app would be available for Nokia X smartphones from the Nokia Store.
The Truecaller app for Android got updated recently with new features in the version 4.0 update. Truecaller app for Nokia X would also include these features. This include, features, like Caller ID, call blocking, personal profiles, and number lookup. Truecaller partnered with Twitter India recently so that Truecaller users can see if a number is connected with a Twitter account, and have the ability to tweet or follow a person directly through the Truecaller app.
Even though the Nokia X Series phones lack Google Play Store and Google Apps, several app developers have partnered with Nokia to launch their Android apps in the Nokia Store.
The Truecaller app for the Nokia X series smartphones would be available for download for free from the Nokia Store.