Unlock Nokia with X-Sim

No_Key_Nokia_X_SIM.jpgIf you are one of those who are looking for latest mobile handsets but don’t get them in India and then do something to get the locked versions from US or UK and then unlock them with software or local vendors and screw up things then this utility id for people like you. A Chinese site has come up with an X-Sim, which is capable of unlocking most DCT4 and BB5 Nokia mobile phones. The No-Key Nokia X-SIM will unlock the mobile phone and will let you use services provided by your mobile service provider. Locked phones do not work because they cannot identify the SIM with the service provider. The X-SIM card gives a signal to the mobile phone and is identified just like an original SIM card, so actually the mobile phone is not unlocked, it just allows the user to operate in any network. This is something cool, just like fooling the mobile phone and make it usable in any network.

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Author: Team FoneArena

A team of mobile geeks