Microsoft’s top executives Bates and Reller to leave

It hasn’t been long since Satya Nadella took up his job as CEO of Microsoft and now, we have rumors that two of the company’s executives are leaving the company. According to reports from Recode, the company’s EVP of business development and evangelism Tony Bates and EVP of marketing Tami Reller are leaving the company.


Microsoft’s top of staff was informed of this on Friday by the CEO and the company has plans to announce this on Tuesday. Sources close to Recode were also able to come up with names of employees who will be replacing once Bates and Reller left. Tony Bates’s duties as EVP of business development and evangelism will be taken care of by the current EVP of advanced strategy – Eric Ruddler and Chris Capossela, who has been Microsoft’s marketing exec for a very long time, will also become the EVP of marketing.

As a cascade effect, the current EVP of advertising and strategy – Mark Penn will become EVP of strategy and Eric Ruddler will handle the Advertising as EVP of Marketing and Advertising.

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Author: Monish Kumar

Monish is passionate about smartphones who is also interested in User Experience and Design. He is currently using Samsung Galaxy S3. You can follow him on Twitter and Google+