Xiaomi, popular for its Mi series of smartphones in China was rumored to launch a tablet last year, but it didn’t happen. A device codenamed Xiaomi HM 1AC has surfaced on GFXBench with some specifications. According to the benchmarks, it would have a 9.2-inch (1280 x 720 pixels) display, powered by a quad-core Snapdragon 400 processor with Adreno 305 GPU and run on custom MiUI ROM based on Android 4.3 (Jelly Bean).
It would have a 8-megapixel auto focus camera with LED flash, 1080p full HD video recording and a 1.5-megapixel front-facing camera. It has SIM support, WiFi, Bluetooth, Compass and GPS, It also has Lightsensor, accelerometer and proximity sensors. The display might be small, since the 9.2-inch HD screen would have low pixel density of around 160. If it comes with a smaller display, it might have voice calling as well.
The tablet is also rumored to come in 3G and WiFi variants. Xiaomi MiPad with a quad-core MediaTek MT8125 processor, HD screen and 1GB RAM is also rumored to be in the works. It is not clear when Xiaomi plans to launch this tablet.