Uninor launches fixed rate packs for unlimited Facebook and WhatsApp access

Uninor Facebook and WhatsApp offer

Uninor has introduced new fixed rate packs, that offers unlimited access to Facebook and WhatsApp. These packs are called Sabse Sasta (most affordable) Facebook and Sabse Sasta (most affordable) Whatsapp , that offers Facebook access starting at just 50 paise for an hour and WhatsApp access starting at Re. 1 for a day. There are also weekly and monthly packs, that cost Rs. 5 and Rs. 15, respectively.

These affordable packs are the result of global partnership by Facebook and Whatsapp with Telenor Group. Reliance offered Unlimited Facebook and Facebook Messenger access at Rs. 16 per month, back in 2012, but daily and weekly offers from Uninor is interesting, since people can opt for the pack when they need it.

Uninor has also started a major upgradation of technology and infrastructure to get the network ready for the expected surge in Internet traffic. It took over 2 months with teams from Uninor and Facebook to implement this, says Amaresh Kumar, Chief Product Officer of Uninor.

Morten Karlsen Sorby, nominated CEO of Uninor, said

We are moving out of data and moving in to Internet. Internet is the way in which customers consume data and our approach will be to make that usage the cheapest among all operators

These new packs would be rolling out starting today from Gujarat and in Maharashtra and Goa within one month. These are also the two circles where Uninor has seen the highest Internet consumption over the past year, says Uninor. The operator would roll out the new packs across all their operational circles gradually.

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Author: Srivatsan Sridhar

Srivatsan Sridhar is a Mobile Technology Enthusiast who is passionate about Mobile phones and Mobile apps. He uses the phones he reviews as his main phone. You can follow him on Twitter and Instagram