Ovi Store Clocks 1m downloads a day, v2.0 coming very soon


George Linardos, Nokia’s VP of Product, Media today told that Nokia’s Ovi Store is currently generating nearly one million downloads a day and the company is now working on a completely revamping the Ovi store, which will be launched in 2010.

“We’re doing just under one million downloads a day, and our download numbers are growing 100% month-on-month,” said Linardos, at a roundtable event in London to discuss the company’s app strategy with journalists.

However, he also added that the current Ovi Store had always been a stopgap measure, designed specifically to consolidate all the various content distribution initiatives Nokia has. For Example Download!, MOSH and WidSets etc.

“All the while there’s been this new platform being built in the background, which we will be talking about, in the next couple of months and launching in the Spring with what we’re calling 2.0,” said Linardos.

(via Source)

Author: Vikas SN

A Complete Mobile freak. Regularly Blogs about Mobiles at Techknots.com and Tweets as @tsuvik