Pocket, formerly known as “Read it Later”, is one of very common apps that I use to save articles from the web or anywhere. I have been an early adopter and have used the service right from the start and just love it. It basically allows you to save anything that you might want to read later. You can access your saved articles on the web, on various smartphones, tablets and across desktop platforms.
When Google announced the Android Wear SDK for smart watches a couple of days back, we knew developers would come up with something new and intuitive. Pocket seems to be one of the early adopters of the SDK as they have demoed a prototype of how one can add articles to Pocket directly from the smart watch. In a recent interview, Pocket’s CEO said it was very important to minimize the number of taps to save an article. The prototype demo shown by Pocket seems fairly simple as you just have to swipe right from your notification and with a single tap, you can add the article to your Pocket.
Pocket has released an SDK for allowing developers to include ability to Pocket articles from their Android Wear applications. Unlike the app Pocket released for Samsung Galaxy Gear which allows you to read the article on your smart watch, the new development seems to be content with just adding the article to your Pocket. Given that you wouldn’t be reading an entire article on your smartwatch, we think it is a very good move.