The Elife E7 is Gionee’s first real attempt at cracking the top end segment of the market, a really good one at that. We had unboxed this flagship device earlier, after it launched in the Indian market with an attractive price tag of Rs. 29,999. Being a flagship, it comes with specifications that resemble one, and that includes the massive camera module at the back, which houses a large sensor from Omnivision and an equally large lens unit from Largan, a precision manufacturer from China. So, with all that, how does the camera really perform? What is the UI like? Here is our Camera Review of the Gionee Elife E7 to answer that. Skip past the video for the full resolution samples.
We shot several camera samples in different conditions, to see how the camera performs in general use cases. The Elife E7’s camera module is made up of a 1/2.3″ Omnivision sensor, a f2.2 aperture Largan M8 lens, accompanied by a single LED flash and a secondary microphone. Currently, along with the Sony Xperia Z1’s 1/2.3″ 20 MP sensor, the Omnivision OV16825 shares the top spot for the largest sensors on a Android smartphone, but the pixel size, of 1.34 microns is much bigger on the Omni-BSI2 sensor, when compared to the 1.1 micron size of the Sony sensor’s pixels. With that said, we expected higher dynamic range out of the box, better clarity due to the lens and good low light performance, which is exactly what we got.
Full Resolution – Sample 1 | Sample 2 | Sample 3 | Sample 4 | Sample 5
Full Resolution – Sample 1 | Sample 2 | Sample 3
Full Resolution – Sample 1 | Sample 2 | Sample 3 | Sample 4 | Sample 5 | Sample 6
Low Light
Full Resolution – Sample 1 | Sample 2 | Sample 3 | Sample 4
Thoughts on the camera performance –
- Daylight images are clean and have near perfect white balance, great performance overall
- HDR adds details in shadows and never seems over processed, a great implementation without artificially enhanced edges
- Macro shots produced great detail with or without HDR, and nice bokehs thanks to the f2.2 aperture and 4.88mm focal length
- Low light shots are best in the night mode, but the images produced are very clear and not that over processed
- Video is of great quality, the dynamic range is amazing and sound clarity is really good
- Overall great camera, one of the best in this segment
So there you go folks, our full resolution samples and some thoughts on the camera performance. We will be letting you know more about this camera in our complete review, so stay tuned for that and let us know what you think of the samples in the comments section below.