Xiaomi has announced that 60,000 units of Remi 1S smartphones would be available in fourth flash sale in India. This is 20,000 more than first three sales. It took 3.4 seconds for the company to sell 40,000 units in its third sale earlier this week. This is less than both the first and second sales.
The third sale saw over 3.5 lakh registration, and over 2 lakh people have registered for the next sale so far. Xiaomi did not offer freebies such as scratch guard and SIM adapters for users who ordered in this week’s sale. Xiaomi temporarily halted Mi 3 sales last month to concentrate on 1S. Will it stop the sales of Redmi 1S after this month to concentrate on Redmi Note ? Only time will tell.
Registration is compulsory even if you have already registered for the last sale. Check out our Redmi 1S unboxing and benchmarks.
Thanks Sanjeev!