iBall has launched the Slide WQ149, the company’s latest Windows 8 tablet. It has a 10.1-inch (1280×800 pixels) IPS screen and is powered by an quad-core Intel Atom Z3735D processor. It has a 5-megapixel rear camera and a 2-megapixel front-facing camera. It comes with a magnetic pogo pin keyboard that has a touchpad so that it can double up as a laptop.
It comes with 1TB of OneDrive cloud storage for one year, and a Microsoft Office subscription for one year. iBall launched the Slide WQ32, an 8-inch Windows tablet back in September.
Commenting on the launch, Sandeep Parasrampuria, Director, iBall, said,
iBall Slide WQ149 is the perfect answer to those who are on the fence about whether to buy a Tablet or Laptop. With our latest WQ149 iBall Slide we say – Get both! This 2-in-1 at iBall Slide offers the best of both the worlds. Today we are excited to reveal the next fruit of our collaborative effort with Intel and Microsoft. It is not only futuristic trend but also light weight for those on move and economical to for each of your team members needing the Windows and office usage.
iBall Slide WQ149 specifications
- 10.1-inch (800 x 1280 pixels) multi-touch IPS display with Zero Air Gap touch, 178-degree viewing angle
- 1.33GHz quad-core Intel Atom Z3735D processor (burst up to 1.86GHz)
- 2 GB LPDDR3 RAM, 32GB of internal storage, expandable up to 32GB with micro-SD slot
- Windows 8.1 OS
- 5-megapixel auto focus rear camera
- 2-megapixel front-facing camera
- 3G (via SIM card slot), WiFi 802.11b/g/n, Bluetooth 4.0, micro HDMI, and microUSB
- 31.08Wh battery
The iBall Slide WQ149 is priced at Rs. 21,999.