Lenovo launched the A6000 Plus smartphone in India at Rs. 7,499. Today the company has announced that 100,000 units of the A6000 Plus will be available in the first flash sale on April 28th. Registrations for the sale started on the launch day, April 17th and closes on 27th April 11:59 PM. Lenovo sold 3 lakh units of A6000 smartphones in India in 3 months before it was temporarily discontinued.
Regarding the expectations of Lenovo A6000 Plus, the company, said:
Considering the A6000 sold out 300,000 units faster than anticipated, we are expecting the A6000 Plus to see an even greater response. The Lenovo A6000 Plus lets you do more in every way seamlessly and outperforms phones that cost a lot more.
The A6000 plus has 2GB of RAM and 16GB of Internal storage compared to 1GB and 8GB on the A6000 smartphone. Other specifications are similar, including 4G support, 5-inch HD display, 1.2GHz quad-core Snapdragon 410 processor with Adreno 306 GPU and Android 4.4 (KitKat) with Vibe UI.
Lenovo A6000 Plus specifications
- 5-inch (1280 x 720 pixels) HD IPS display
- 1.2 GHz quad-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 410 processor with 400 MHz Adreno 306 GPU
- 2GB RAM, 16GB internal memory, expandable memory with microSD
- Android 4.4 (KitKat) with Vibe 2.0 UI
- Dual (micro) SIM
- 8MP auto-focus rear camera with LED Flash
- 2MP front-facing camera
- 8.2mm thick and weighs 128 grams
- 4G LTE / 3G, WiFi 802.11 b/g/n, Bluetooth 4.0, GPS
- 2300mAh battery
Today, Lenovo sold 35,0000 units of A7000 smartphone in the second flash sale on Flipkart. Registration for next week’s sale will begin at 6PM today.