Yu has launched YuFit, the company’s first fitness band. Yu’s CEO and Founder Rahul Sharma says that it’s not just a health or fitness band, but it’s a lifestyle companion. There is a small OLED display on the band that shows the time, the number of steps and more details. It is powered by healthifyme, Bangalore-based company that it invested in recently.
It shows the distance walked, number of calories burnt, tracks your sleep and also offers notification for incoming calls and messages. It can also find your phone. The YuFit app lets you enter the food you eat and calculate the number of calories you consume every day. It includes Indian foods. You just click images of the food, and upload it using the app to find the number of calories. You can track your fitness activities, including group coaching, challenges, social fitness network, achievements. There will be coaches available on call to guide, listen to feedback and motivate you. It also lets you keep track of your weight. According to the official website, it is waterproof.
Features of YuFit
- Wireless wristband with Display
- Supported by a dedicated app
- Helps set ‘Daily Goals’
- Alter plans with ‘My Plan’ feature
- Unified interface
- ‘Do not disturb’ slots on the app for the band
- Mounted LCD display to notify incoming calls
- Integrated 24 x 7 guidance from fitness experts
The YuFit is priced at Rs. 999. First 1000 users will get a free personal trainer. YuFit will be available for purchase next month through the official website yuplaygod.com.