Wickedleak has announced Android 5.1 (Lollipop) update for the Wammy Neo 3 smartphone, which will roll out for the users starting from 1st September. It was released last month for Rs. 14,990, running Android 4.4 (Kitkat), the company had promised Android 5.1 (Lollipop) update for the smartphone. Other than bringing Material design features of Android Lollipop, the update will also enhance camera performance with zero shutter lag and improve auto focus, said Wickedleak.
To remind you, it has 5.5-inch (1920 x 1080) Full HD OGS display with 76% screen-to-body ratio, is powered by a 1.7 GHz octa-core MediaTek MT6752 64-bit processor, has a 14-megapixel rear camera with LED flash, a 5-megapixel front-facing camera, dual SIM support and 4G connectivity, 3GB LPDDR3 RAM, 16GB internal storage with expansion slot and a 3000mAh battery.
All the new Wammy Neo 3 smartphones will be shipped with the Android 5.1 out of the box, said the company. The smartphone is available for Rs. 13,990 on wickedleak.org as a part of Raksha Bandhan offer using voucher code RAKHI1000 that will offer Rs.1000 discount. The offer is valid till 30th August, 2015.