OnePlus introduced the OnePlus X in Onyx glass back and limited edition Ceramic variants back in October. The OnePlus X Onyx edition priced at Rs. 16,999 went on sale in India and several countries last month with an invite. At the launch the company said that it will make only 10,000 units of the OnePlus X Ceramic version smartphone, now the phone is finally available in Europe with an invite from the official OnePlus Store in several European countries for 269 Euros and in UK for 269 GBP.
We already know that the OnePlus X Ceramic version is priced at Rs. 22,999 in India and $349 in the US, but the company has not announced when it will be available outside Europe. You can check out the pricing for other countries here.
You need a separate invite to purchase the OnePlus X Ceramic Edition, 20 of which can be earned by entering the OnePlus contest on Instagram. Looks like OnePlus will also start sending out invites through email soon.
We went hands on with both the versions of the OnePlus X smartphones at the launch event, check out the video below.