Motorola and Flipkart are back with new offers for the new year. As a part of the latest sale, they are offering Rs. 2,000 discount on Moto G (3rd Gen), the latest Moto G (Turbo) and Moto X Play smartphones. There are also exchange offers on Moto X Style, Nexus 6, Moto Turbo, Moto E (2nd Gen) and Moto E (2nd Gen) 4G smartphones. Discounts are available through web as well, but the exchange offers are available only through the Flipkart app.
Discounts and exchange offers on Motorola smartphones on Flipkart
- Moto Turbo – Rs. 31,999, exchange upto Rs.15,000
- Nexus 6 64GB – 29,999, exchange upto Rs.15,000
- Moto X Play 32GB – Rs. 17,999 (Rs. 2000 off) and exchange upto Rs. 7,000
- Moto X Play 16GB – Rs. 16,499 (Rs. 2000 off) and exchange upto Rs. 7,000
- Moto G Turbo Edition – Rs. 12,499 (Rs. 2000 off) and exchange upto Rs. 5,000
- Moto G (3rd Gen) (16 GB) – Rs. 10,999 (Rs. 2000 off) and exchange upto Rs. 4,000
- Moto G (3rd Gen) (8 GB) – Rs. 9,999 (Rs. 2000 off) and exchange upto Rs. 4,000
- Moto E (2nd Gen) 4G Rs. 6999, exchange upto Rs. 3,000
- Moto E (2nd Gen) 3G – Rs. 5999, exchange upto Rs. 2,000
If you have not purchased the latest Moto G Turbo Edition smartphone, this is a good time to get it, since this is the first time the phone is getting a price cut since its launch last month.