Apple has started seeding the fifth beta of an upcoming iOS 9.3 update to developers and public beta testers. The public beta which has a build number 13E5225a is for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.
The update is available for members of Apple’s develop program (and public testing program) either via an over-the-air (OTA) update, for those are already on iOS 9.3, or as a download from Apple’s developer center. The new beta also brings back full Apple Pencil functionality on the iPad Pro as it was not performing tasks like selecting text, scrolling, swiping between apps and so on.
iOS 9.3 brings a bunch of new features such as Night Shift, Car Play improvements, secure notes, revamped Apple News app, 3D Touch shortcuts and others. Night Shift feature automatically shifts the color temperature of an iOS device by using it’s clock and geo-location to determine when it’s sunset in your location. The CarPlay is getting new features such as “Nearby” for Apple Maps that shows everything around you and also offers new music recommendation features in Apple Music. Apple had released iOS 9.3 for developers in January and the public beta was also available for download.