Samsung introduced Galaxy S6 and Galaxy S6 edge smartphones last year. The Edge variant was well received by users and became a hit which eventually took a toll on sales of the flat variant. Now, the company has hinted that it may stop making the flat screen Galaxy S devices.
In an interview, Samsung Mobile chief Dong-jin Koh told Korea Herald website,
Samsung has considered that it would make the edge display as the identity of the Galaxy S smartphone lineup if the company can provide consumers differentiated user experience through software and user-friendly functions (for the curved screen).
The Galaxy S7 edge flagship gained accolades for its design and features and sales of the edge variant surpassed that of the S7 flat screen smartphone. Last week, Samsung launched the Galaxy Note 7 which is the is the company’s first flagship model to launch only with dual-curved display variant.
It must be noted that it Samsung has not officially announced its plan of ditching the flat screen Galaxy S variant.