After launching range of TVs in India back in July, TCL today launched L55P1US, its latest 4K Ultra HD Smart LED TV in the country in the P1 series. It has app store powered by the Android OS and the TCL nScreen application lets you use your smartphone or tablet as a remote control. PVR Record and Playback records the program to the USB.
It has Motion Estimation and Motion Compensation or MEMC, and sports mode for an optimized and enhanced viewing experience. It has Dolby 5.1 surround sound and smart volume, which eliminates unwanted spikes in audio.
TCL L55P1US specifications
- 55-inch (3840 x 2160 pixels) 4K panel with 178-degree viewing angle, 4000: 1 contrast ratio
- 1.5GHz Mstar MS68A quad-core 64-bit CPU (Cortex A53 x 2 + Neon x2) with Six-Core MALI450M GPU
- 1.5GB DDR3 RAM, 8GB internal memory
- Android OS
- WiFi dual-band, Bluetooth 4.1 LE, 3 x HDMI 2.0, 2x USB, Ethernet
- MP3, WMA, Dolby AC3 and MPEG2, MPEG4 (H.264) video
- Audio: 8 W x 2 output, Dolby Digital Plus 5.1 surround sound, DDAS
The TCL L55P1US 55-inch Ultra HD Smart LED TV is priced at Rs. 48,990 and is available exclusively from It is backed by 18 months warranty.
Commenting on the launch, Praveen Valecha, Regional Director – TCL India, said:
We highly value the Indian market and expect to bring our premium products and services to the Indian consumers. In order to guarantee the best product quality, TCL will export complete TV sets to India even though it means higher cost compared with local assembly. The latest generation of TCL’s LED backlight creates a milestone in LED backlight technology with a dramatic enhancement of color gamut and dynamic contrast ratio, the picture has never been as realistic. The next generation TV Series which aims to bring revolutionary technology is now available exclusively through
Mike Chen, Country Manager, TCL TMT said:
Our new 4K UHD TV represents our singular focus on innovation that matters most to consumers, by providing the very best picture quality for the home. This year we’re going beyond anything we’ve done before to offer a remarkable synergy of design, engineering and craftsmanship. We have received overwhelming responses after launching our UHD and FHD TV series last month. With this launch, we are further augmenting our robust product portfolio in the home entertainment segment.