Following the demonetization of Rs. 500 and Rs. 1000 notes, major e-commerce had disabled and limited Cash of Delivery orders. However, now Amazon India, Flipkart and Snapdeal have resumed Cash on Delivery orders.
Amazon had disabled CoD option for all the orders but now you can pay for an order at the time of delivery. Now when you select CoD option at the time if Checkout you will see this message, “We accept all valid notes, including newly introduced INR 500 and 2,000. Also, Card on Delivery subject to availability of device”.
Meanwhile, Flipkart and Snapdeal have restricted the COD option for orders below Rs. 1000 and Rs. 2000 respectively. Now both the etailers have removed the limit on orders and customers can shop for items upto any amount and use COD as mode of payment. Flipkart has also mentioned that new Rs. 500 notes issued by the Reserve Bank of India after November 10, 2016 will be accepted after they become available.