Contest : Opera Mini

Do you use Opera Mini in India ?

We have teamed up with folks from Opera who make the Mini yet awesome Opera Mini Browser to bring you an interesting contest

All you got to do is simple.

1.Run Opera Mini on your phone.
Grab it from incase you don’t already have it

2.Open up this page on your phone

3.Now you need a desi background to prove that you are using Opera Mini in India

Ex: You could choose to use Opera Mini inside an auto rickshaw, bus . You could use  at the beach , when you are feasting over a paneer tikka or pani puri , shopping vegetables at a local market.You could be at the taj mahal or india gate leave. We leave the rest to your imagination.

4.Make sure to take photo of your phone running opera mini along with the background

5.Give a title for your pic like Opera+Maggi Hot & Sweet Chilly Sauce = Spicy Web Browsing

6.Submit your entry my mailing your entry to or twitpic it with the hashtag #operafone or you can leave a comment with the link to your picture.

The 10 most creatives entries win a Opera T-Shirt and the remaining entries win a laptop sticker.

Does that sound Interesting and a lots of Fun ?  The contest will be open for 1 week starting today.

UPDATE : We are extending the deadline for entries till this Sunday August 15th due to the amazing response !

PS – We noticed that a lot of you sent Photos related to Food, thats fine, but it need not be just food , can be anything related to india !

UPDATE : Here are some photos sent in by users


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Author: Team FoneArena

A team of mobile geeks