Mark Zuckerberg announced Facebook’s new augmented reality platform called Camera Effects Platform on first day of the F8 2017 conference. Launched in open beta, the platform turns smartphone cameras into the first AR platform, providing an opportunity for artists and developers to create effects for the Facebook camera.
The Camera Effects Platform includes two products- Frames Studio and AR Studio. Available globally, Frames Studio is an online creative editor that allows you to design frames that can be used either as profile picture frames or in the new Facebook camera. AR Studio, now open for beta applications, can be used to create masks, scripted effects, animated frames and other AR technologies that react to movement, the environment or interactions during Live videos. As a part of the AR Studio beta program, new effects are now available in Facebook Live.
Last month Facebook introduced Stories to make photo and video sharing even more expressive with fun masks, frames, interactive filters, and fresh art from featured guests. In addition Facebook Workplace also announced new integrations and partnerships for companies to improve their day. Facebook is also adding a tab dedicated towards gameplay. Instant Games launch will allow players to share great in-game wordplay moments (Words With Friends), directly within their Messenger threads.
Finally, Facebook added new features for Messenger. A new Discover tab has been added to Messenger that allows people to find a bot right from the home screen in Messenger. Next up is Chat Extensions, which allow multiple people to chat with the same business at the same time. People can now add in a bot directly in a group thread and share the conversation and experience.