LG introduced the V30 smartphone at the IFA in August running Android 7.1.2 (Nougat) and it already promised to offer Oreo update for the phone. Now LG has started rolling out Android 8.0 (Oreo) update for the V30 users in South Korea through LG OS Preview program. It is available for all the carriers.
To enter the preview program, users will need to open ‘Quick Help’ app on the V30 and click ‘LG OS Preview’ banner to join. You will get a “Software Update” notification message when the update is available.
LG said that the Android Oreo update will optimize the software for smooth experience and boot faster, minimize power consumption when the phone is not in use, includes convenience features such as Picture in Picture (PIP) feature allowing users to watch videos and continue viewing images on a small screen even when running other apps and support wider variety of high-quality Bluetooth audio codecs such as LDAC codec.
LG said that plans it plans to roll out Oreo update for all starting in December, but this might be only for Korea and it expected to roll out globally only in early 2018.