Last week details of Samsung Galaxy S9 Mini smartphone with model number SM-G8750 surfaced. Benchmark listing also revealed Snapdragon 660, 4GB RAM and Android 8.0 (Oreo) for the smartphone. Now a new smartphone with model number SM-G8850 has been certified by TENAA in China. This is said to be another version of the S9 Mini for the Chinese market. It has a 5.8-inch QHD+ Super AMOLED screen, same as the S9, but the rear camera and fingerprint sensor arrangement is different compared to the S9 and the S9 Plus.
It reveals that the Octa-Core processor is clocked at 2.8GHz, so Samsung could be using the same Exynos 9 Series 9810 SoC as the S9. No details about the storage capacity, but it will have the same 3000mAh battery as the S9.
Samsung Galaxy S9 Mini (SM-G8850) rumored specifications
- 5.8-inch Quad HD+ (2960 × 1440 pixels) Super AMOLED Infinity display
- Octa-Core Samsung Exynos 9 Series 9810 processor with Mali G72MP18 GPU
- 4GB / 6GB LPDDR4x RAM, expandable memory up to 400GB with microSD
- Android 8.0 (Oreo)
- Hybrid Dual SIM (nano + nano / microSD)
- 12MP primary rear camera, LED Flash, 12MP secondary rear camera
- 8MP auto focus front-facing camera with wide-angle lens
- Water and dust resistant (IP68)
- Dimensions: 147.7mm x 68.7mm x 8.4mm; Weight: 163g
- 4G VoLTE, Wi-Fi 802.11ac (2.4/5GHz), VHT80 MU-MIMO, Bluetooth 5 (LE up to 2Mbps), GPS with GLONASS, USB 3.1, NFC, MST
- 3000mAh battery with fast Charging
The Samsung SM-G8850 will come in Black and Blue colors. Since the phone has been certified, it could go official in the next few weeks.