Panasonic India has finally debuted in the OLED TV segment with a new line-up of two series, along with 11 models in the 4K segment. The new OLED line-up comes in 55-inch “FZ950” and 65-inch “FZ1000” series. The company says that both these series are equipped with features like “Hexa Chroma Drive PRO” color management system.
Furthermore, they come with an absolute Black Filter, super bright panel, ultra fine tuning technology, and thin dynamic blade speakers. The new OLED TVs run on the renamed version of the Firefox operating system; ‘My Home Screen 3.0’ which would enable users to customize and navigate through apps faster.
It comes with swipe and share mechanism, that would also let users share content between the TV and other smart-devices over the home network. The TVs come with a two-way Bluetooth audio link function to let users play music via a smart-device on the TV speakers.
The OLED line-up comes in 55-inch and 65-inch and they starts at Rs 2,99,000. While the 4K series starts at Rs 65,000 in India.
Neeraj Bahl, Associate Director-Business Group Head, Consumer Electronic, Panasonic India said:
We are working closely with Hollywood giant Deluxe to ensure that the technical accuracy of the award-winning TVs matches the filmmaker’s creative intent.
Manish Sharma, President and CEO, Panasonic India and South Asia said in a statement said:
With the introduction of our first-ever OLED line of TVs, we seek to cement our position as a technology company with a vision for the future and provide an enhanced cinematic experience.