Samsung today launched the new Gear IconX wireless earbuds in India, almost a year after it was introduced. It has a lightweight, ergonomic design, offers comfortable yet secure fit to last through the most intense activity. It features Bixby voice command support which can be enabled by tapping and holding the earbud to use your voice to control your music or your phone as well.
The new version comes with a case that has its 340mAh battery. It has 4GB internal storage to store music and weigh 8 grams It keeps track on your running activities and also features standalone coach that can be enabled by tapping the earbud and it will provide you with exercise status updates without having to use your phone. It has fast charge support, and now it can give up to five hours of music streaming or seven hours of standalone music playback.
Samsung Gear IconX 2018
- 5.8pi Dynamic Driver
- Standalone music player (4GB storage / up to 1,000 songs)
- Voice guide in English (U.S.), Chinese (China), German (Germany), French (France), Spanish (U.S.), Korean (South Korea), Italian (Italy), Russian (Russia), Japanese (Japan)
- Bluetooth v4.2
- Compatible with phones running Android 4.4 or later with 1.5GB RAM or more, iOS supports music streaming and hands-free controls only via Bluetooth
- Sensors: Accelerometer, IR, Capacitive Touch
- Dimensions – Earbud: 18.9 (W) x 21.8 (D) x 22.8 (H) mm; Case: 73.4 (W) x 44.5 (D) x 31.4 (H) mm; Weight – Earbud: 8.0g per earbud / Case: 54.5g
- Battery: 82mAh (Earbuds) / 340mAh (Charging Case), Play time: up to 7 hours (Standalone Mode) / up to 5 hours (Bluetooth Mode); Talk time: up to 4 hours
The Samsung Gear IconX 2018 comes in Black colour, is priced at Rs. 13,990 at major retail outlets, Samsung Online Shop and Flipkart.
Commenting on the launch, Aditya Babbar, General Manager, Mobile Business, Samsung India, said:
Gear IconX brings a lot of enhancement besides completely cord-free usage, including Bixby voice commands, activity tracking and, most importantly, the music experience. These lightweight and comfortable earbuds are an ideal music companion for consumers, could be a dancer, painter, chef and anyone else, who needs tangle-free movement of their hands, while he/she is working. It also has special features for the fitness enthusiasts.