Google released final Android P Beta 4 (DP5) for Pixel smartphones last month. It already said that the final stable Android P 9.0 release for the Pixel smartphones is expected sometime Q3. Now @evleaks has tweeted that the launch date is set for August 20, which coincides with the Android O launch on August 21 last year on the day of solar eclipse.
— Evan Blass (@evleaks) August 2, 2018
First Android P beta was introduced at the Google I/O 2018, couple of months after it released the first developer preview in March. DP1 brought several features such as Indoor Positioning with Wi-Fi RTT, Display cutout or notch support, Enhanced messaging experience, Multi-camera support, HDR VP9 Video, HEIF image compression, and the Beta 1 (DP2) update brought several features including adaptive battery, and support for gestures, finally. You can check out the new features here.
Google is also expected to announce the name of Android P on August 20th. What do you think Android P will be called?