Vivo launched its V15 Pro smartphone in India last month for Rs. 28990. It has triple rear cameras that includes a 48-megapixel 1/2.25″ main sensor (12MP Effective Pixel) with f/1.8 aperture, which should be ISOCELL Bright GM1 sensor, 5-megapixel depth sensor with f/2.4 aperture, 8-megapixel AI 120-degree Super wide angle camera with f/2.2 aperture. Similar to most of the phones with 48MP sensor, this uses ‘four-in-one pixel’ technology to combine four adjacent pixels into a single 1.6μm large pixel. It has a 32-megapixel pop-up front camera with Samsung ISOCELL GD1 sensor with f/2.0 aperture.
The camera UI is similar to other Vivo phones. On the top there is a flash toggle, HDR toggle, option to enable portrait light effect, Live Photo and Settings option where you can enable 48MP option. On the bottom there is Image Recognizer option, timer, Filters, portrait bokeh, ultra-wide toggle and option to switch to 19.5:9 aspect ratio from 4:3 easily. There is a preview window on the bottom left, shutter button next to it and front and rear camera toggle on the bottom right. You can also switch to several modes including DOC (Documents), PRO (to adjust ISO (0 to 3200), Exposure, Shutter Speed (1/12000 to 32 seconds), White Balance and focus), Panorama, Night mode, AI Beauty, Video and AR Stickers.
Coming to the image quality, the daylight images were good with good amount of details. AI and HDR shots came out well. 48MP mode doesn’t let you use any of these features, and the images doesn’t look impressive, so it is recommended to stick to 12MP mode. Ultra wide shots are good as well, and it cuts out the corners, but some images look tilted. Dual camera portrait shots were good and the edge detection was good as well. Low-light shots are good, thanks to 4-in-1 Super Pixel technology and the night mode is even better making the images brighter offering more details. You can still find noise, but it is minimal. Daylight front camera shots are good as well with good amount of details, and the portrait shots were decent as well.
Check out the camera samples (Click the image to view the full resolution sample)
It has up to 4K 30 fps or up to 1080p 60 fps video recording as well as Slow-motion and time-lapse. Check out the video sample below. Also, check out some samples in our travelogue video below.
Full review of the smartphone will be up soon.