Realme launched the Realme 3 Pro with Snapdragon 710 processor, up to 6GB RAM, Dual rear cameras last week in India. The smartphone went on sale for the first time today and the company clocked over 1.7 lakh units in 8 minutes. Today, Realme has pushed a software update to the Realme 3 Pro smartphone which brings super slo-mo support and other camera improvements.
Realme 3 Pro is getting a new OTA(Over-The-Air) update which weighs 182MB in size. The new update based on ColorOS 6 carries the build number RMX1851EX_11_A.12 and adds support for 960fps slow-mo video recording, improves the camera quality and clarity. Apart from this, the update will reportedly improve system stability. It still has March Android security patch.
Official Update log
· Added 960fps slow-mo
· Improved camera quality and clarity
· Improved stability
How to update the software on Realme 3 Pro?
There are two methods to update the software on the Realme 3 Pro smartphone i.e., Simple mode and Recovery mode.
Note:- Backup all important data before updating and make sure the battery level is over 30.
The firmware carrying the version RMX1851EX_11_A.12 can be downloaded from Realme’s Official website
1.Simple mode
- Firstly, transfer the firmware you downloaded to the phone storage.
- Then, go to the File Manager and find the firmware.
- After that, click the firmware, Update Now, and wait for the update to succeed.
2.Recovery Mode
- Transfer the firmware you downloaded to the phone storage or SD Card, then power off the phone.
- Press and hold the Power and Volume Down buttons, until the phone enters Recovery Mode.
- Choose the desired language.
- Click on ‘Install from storage device’ and find the firmware from the phone’s storage or from the SD card.
- Click on the firmware and confirm to update.
- Do not perform any other operations until the phone is updated successfully.
Realme 3 Pro sports a 16MP rear camera with LED flash, 1/2.6″ Sony IMX519 1.22μm sensor, f/1.7 aperture, EIS, 5MP secondary rear camera with f/2.4 aperture. We have posted our part 1 of the Realme 3 Pro review and you can check out more about the camera capabilities in the review.