Vivo launched its V15 Pro smartphone in 6GB RAM with 128GB storage earlier this year and later launched the 8GB RAM with 128GB storage variant. After almost 6 months of launch in India, both the 6GB RAM and 8GB RAM variants of the Vivo V5 have received a permanent price cut in India.
Vivo V15 Pro 6GB RAM with 128GB storage is now available at Rs. 23,990, against its original price of Rs. 26,990 and the 8GB RAM with 128GB storage variant is now available at Rs. 26,990, against its original price of Rs. 29,990. The revised applicable from now on e-commerce portals like Flipkart, and is also applicable in offline stores.
Smartphone | Old Price | New Price | Price cut |
Vivo V15 Pro | Rs. 26,990(6+128GB) | Rs. 23,990(6+128GB) | Rs. 3000 |
Rs. 29,990(8+128GB) | Rs. 26,990(8+128GB) | Rs. 3000 |
To recall, Vivo V15 Pro has a 6.39-inch Full HD+ Super AMOLED display without a notch, features 32-megapixel pop-up front camera with 0.46-second elevating speed. It is powered by Snapdragon 675 AIE with 6GB of RAM, Dual Turbo gaming mode, an eSports mode for online gaming and runs Android 9.0 (Pie) with Funtouch OS 9. It has triple rear cameras with a 48 million quad pixel sensor that offers 12-megapixel output, 5-megapixel depth sensor for portraits and an 8-megapixel camera with 120-degree wide-angle lens. It packs a 3700mAh battery with support for Dual-Engine fast charging.