Xiaomi’s POCO launched the F1, the company’s first smartphone in India back in August last year starting at Rs. 20,999, later in December the company announced Rs. 1000 price cut across all the version of the smartphone. In June the 6GB + 64GB version got a Rs. 2000 limited period price cut and was selling it for Rs. 17999, later it was permanent. During the Xiaomi Mi 5th Anniversary sale last month, other versions of the POCO F1 got temporary price cuts, now the price cut has become permanent, and is available from Flipkart and Mi.com at new rates.
Performance beyond price! Grab the #POCOF1 at a killer price from https://t.co/DREiXVqBDe or @Flipkart. #ChampionOfSpeed
RT to spread the news. pic.twitter.com/zEI4U1XVjN
— POCO India (@IndiaPOCO) August 5, 2019
Smartphone | Old Price | New Price | Price cut |
POCO F1 | |||
Rs. 21,999 (6+128) | Rs.18,999 (6+128) | Rs.2000 | |
Rs.27,999(8+256) | Rs.22,999(6+64) | Rs.5000 | |
Rs.28,999 (8+256) Armored Edition | Rs.22,999(6+64) | Rs.6000 |
The company frequently offers MIUI updates for the phone bringing the latest Android security patches, bug fixes and new features.