After Airtel and Vodafone Idea, Reliance Jio introduced its New All-in-one plans‘ with revised pricing along with JioPrime benefits, but it started with Rs. 199 offering 1.5 GB/day, 1000 off-net mins and 28 days validity. Now it has brought back Rs. 149 plan, which now offers 1GB / day, 300 off-net mins and 24 days validity. Previously the plan offered 1.5 GB/day data and 28 days validity with unlimited calling to any network.
However, this still the cheapest 4G plan with daily data bundle and off-net minutes compared to Airtel and Vodafone Idea. Airtel’s 1GB per day pack with 28 days validity, 100SMS/day costs Rs. 219, but this offers truly unlimited calls to any network. Similarly, Vodafone offers its Rs. 219 with 1GB/day data, 100SMS/Day with 28 days validity, and offers unlimited calls to any network, similar to Airtel.
Reliance Jio still has the Rs. 98 that offers 2GB data with 28 days validity, but you don’t get any off-net mins, and need to add at least Rs. 10 pack or more. For those who make a lot of calls and use less data, the latest Rs. 1299 plan is a good choice since it offers 12,000 off-net mins and 365 days validity, but with just 24GB data.