Vivo has finally started rolling out Funtouch OS 10, the next major Funtouch update based on Android 10 for its Z1Pro and Z1x smartphones in India. The Z1 Pro was launched in India back in July 2019 and the Z1x was launched in September, both running Android 9.0 (Pie) with Funtouch OS 9. The latest Funtouch OS 10 brings new, minimal UI design, new icons, new off-screen clock, live wallpapers, Jovi virtual assistant improvements and lots more.
The Vivo Z1Pro PD1911F_EX_A_1.7.8 Funtouch OS 10 update update is 3.1GB in size and also includes Android security patch for May 2020. Similarly, the update for Z1x PD1921F_EX_A_1.11.4 is 3.32GB in size.
Thank you for writing to us. We would like to inform you that Android 10 released for vivo Z1x, which is under the greyscale test. Kindly wait for sometime you will get the notification automatically in your handset for the same.
— Vivo India (@Vivo_India) June 7, 2020
Vivo has confirmed that the update for these smartphones are released under the greyscale test and it will roll out widely for everyone soon. It did not confirm when it will release the update for other phones. Check out the complete changelog below.
- Upgraded Android 10 to improve system performance.
- The brand new UI design of Funtouch OS 10 will present with the most real and the most natural sensory experience.
Dynamic Effects
- Added a variety of dynamic effects allowing you to customize your own dynamic style freely in the Dynamic Effects menu in Settings..
- Merged the interfaces for the compass and the spirit level to improve efficiency.
- Added exchange rate conversion function to help you quickly convert between different currencies.