Samsung has announced the BTS Editions of Galaxy S20+ and the Galaxy Buds+ wireless headset will be priced Rs. 87,999 and Rs. 14,990, respectively in India. The Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra also gets a new Cloud White variant that will be available in limited quantity priced at Rs. 97,999. These will go on sale from July 10th, and pre-orders start from tomorrow, July 1st till July 9th.
The Samsung Galaxy S20+ and S20+ BTS Editions come with pre-installed BTS-inspired themes and a fan community platform, Weverse. Right in the box, the device comes with decorative stickers, and photo cards featuring pictures of the band members. These feature a purple glass and metal exterior. The Galaxy Buds+ BTS Edition and Buds+ charging case, also available in purple, carry the band’s logo and purple heart iconography.
The Galaxy Buds+ BTS Edition also comes with the photo cards of the band right in the box. It has sound by AKG for balanced, detailed and spacious sound and two-way speaker.
Galaxy S20 Ultra Cloud White
The Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra in Cloud White colour is designed to meet your lifestyle needs and enable you to express yourself, says the company. The phone features 108MP camera and 100x Space Zoom, and doesn’t have any change in the specifications.