Xiaomi already confirmed the launch of new Mi Notebook and Mi Smart Band 6 at its Smarter Living 2022 event in India on August 26th. Today it has confirmed that it will launch the Mi TV 5X series, successor to the Mi TV 4X series which was launched back in 2019. “Get set to experience audio, display and smarts on this Mi TV that will redefine the category,” says the company.
Dolby Atmos and Vision?! 🤯
The new #MiTV5X is the powerhouse of smart entertainment indeed 🤩
Get ready for a magnificent immersive experience ❤️💪#SmarterLiving2022 #FutureIsSmartHead here for more: https://t.co/tR3tsWCxBs pic.twitter.com/YqkAZa7G89
— Mi India (@XiaomiIndia) August 20, 2021
The teaser image confirms an almost bezel-less screen, and the company has confirmed that it will come with a metal frame. It will feature Dolby Vision and Dolby Atmos, and the company said that the visual are fine-tuned and now responsive to the environment.
The TV will also come with a new generation of Xiaomi’s own PatchWall interface. The company has also teased a faster processor for the TV. Finally, it will feature built-in fear-field microphones to access Google Assistant service easily without the remote.
This looks like the Mi TV ES 2022 series which was launched in China recently, packing a similar metal frame and far-field mics. There is also Dolby Vision and MEMC support. It comes in 43″, 55″, 65″ and 75″ models, but it is not clear if we can expect all these models in India.
The Mi TV 5X series will be sold on Flipkart, in addition to mi.com. We should know all the details including the price when it goes official next Thursday.