Xiaomi’s Redmi brand launched the Redmi Note 10 smartphone back in March this year in two variants – 4GB RAM with 64GB storage and 6GB RAM with 128GB storage starting at a price of Rs. 11.999. In less than a month of third price hike, the company has increased the price of the phone once again by Rs. 500. It now starts at Rs. 13,999 for the base 4GB + 64GB version, so the total price hike since the launch is Rs. 2000.
The price of 6GB + 128GB remain the same (Rs. 15,499), but it is currently out of stock. The updated price is reflecting on Mi.com and Amazon.in and should be reflecting in offline stores soon.
The company is all set to launch the Redmi 10 Prime in India on September 3rd which could be the reason for the price hike since it might launch the phone around Rs. 12,000 price range, which was launch price of the Redmi Note 10.
The Redmi 10 Prime powered by Helio G88 might not be as powerful as the Snapdragon 678 in the Redmi Note 10, and it also lacks an AMOLED screen, but it will feature a 6.5-inch FHD+ 90Hz adaptive display and 50MP rear camera.