Apple has been facing increasing pressure from countries and companies across the world over their restrictive App Store policies in the last few years. The company is now facing yet another lawsuit in India, where a non-profit group has alleged that Apple’s policies are anti-competitive and hurts developers.
The lawsuit was filed by non-profit “Together We Fight Society”, who alleges that Apple’s 30% commission on App Store transactions hurts developers and customers, while also raising the barrier of entry. Another problematic policy is how Apple restricted developers from informing users of alternate payment solutions. However, Apple recently announced the removal of this policy and will soon allow the same.
These allegations are similar to a cases that Apple is fighting such as the Epic Games lawsuit in the USA, and another case in the European Union for its App Store policies. The Competition Commission of India (CCI) will review the case files in the coming weeks, and if they find merit in these allegations, they will order an investigation into Apple’s behaviour.