realme today launched Pocket and Cobble Bluetooth speakers in India, as it had promised. These pack 3W and 5W Dynamic Bass Boost Drivers, respectively, and feature a dedicated Passive Bass Radiator. These feature Bluetooth 5.0, support Stereo pairing, and come with IPX5 ratings for water resistant ratings.
The realme Pocket Bluetooth Speaker has a compact design, weighs just 113 grams, comes with 3W Dynamic Bass Boost Driver, has three equalizer presets – Bass, Dynamic and Bright. It comes with low latency game mode, is IPX5 splash resistant and packs a 600mAh battery with up to 6h of playback and charges via USB type-C port.
The realme Cobble Bluetooth Speaker has a compact and lightweight design, comes with 5W Dynamic Bass Boost Driver, has three equalizer presets, same as the Pebble. It comes with 88ms super low latency game mode and packs a 1500mAh battery with up to 9h of playback and charges via USB type-C port.
The realme Pocket comes in Dessert Grey and Classic Black colours, is priced at Rs. 1099, and the realme Cobble comes in Metal Black and Metal Blue colours and is priced at Rs. 1799. These will be available at an offer price of Rs. 999 and Rs. 1499, respectively, when they go on sale for the first time on September 15th at 12 noon.