Flipkart has launched new Nokia Smart TVs powered by Android 11. These include Full HD, Ultra HD and QLED variants and are manufactured in India, says Flipkart. These models offer a powerful sound from JBL, are powered by Harman AudioEFX, feature 60W twin speakers, Dolby Vision, Dolby Atmos, Gamma engine 2.2, Dual Band Wi-Fi and Data saver.
The existing range of Nokia Smart TVs with Sound by Onkyo will be upgraded with the latest features such as the latest Android 11, Data saver. With this line up, all Nokia TVs will be available with the latest Android 11.
Nokia Smart TVs (2021) specifications
- 43-inch (1920 x 1080 pixels) Full HD display
- 43, 50, 55-inch (3840 × 2160 pixels) 4K QLED display, Gamma Engine 2.2, Dolby Vision, 102% NTSC color gamut, HDR10, 400 nits brightness, 5000:1 contrast ratio
- 50, 55-inch (3840 × 2160 pixels) 4K LED display, Gamma Engine 2.2, Dolby Vision, HDR10, 400 nits brightness, 5000:1 contrast ratio
- Micro dimming analyses the TV content in hundreds of separate zones to adjust the brightness and darkness
- Eye protect plus enables 20% less strain on your eyes
- 1.1 GHz Realtek Quad Core Processor,700 MHz Mali G31 GPU
- 2GB RAM, 16GB storage
- Ultra Slim bezel with piano glass finish
- Android TV 11
- Wi-Fi 802.11 ac (2.4GHz), Bluetooth 4.2, 3 x HDMI ports, 2x USB 2.0, Ethernet
- 50 & 55-inch 4K LED & QLED – 60W Twin Speaker + Tweeter Setup, Sound by JBL, Harman AudioEFX, Dolby Atmos, Integrated high-end bass reflex tube
- 43-inch 4K LED – 39W QuatroX Speakers, Sound by Onkyo, Dolby Atmos
The Nokia 50″ and 55-inch 4K LED TVs are priced at Rs. 44,999 and 49,999, respectively. The 50″ and 55-inch 4K QLED TVs are priced at Rs. 49,999 and 54,999, respectively. Pricing for the 43-inch FHD and 4K models are not available yet. These will be available from 3rd October 2021 during Flipkart’s Big Billion Days sale.