Soundcore, an audio sub-brand of Anker, has announced the launch of their Select Pro party speaker in India. It features a rugged body that is IPX7 rated, offers powerful 30W sound output with BassUp Technology, built-in LED lighting, a long battery life and more.
The Select Pro features Soundcore’s BassUp Technology that uses its two customized drivers and four passive radiators for a powerful output. Users can connect them to the Soundcore smartphone app to access Customized EQ settings.
The speaker has a rugged design with a top handle for easy carrying, and it is IPX7 rated, which means the speaker is water-resistant and great for pool parties. They have built-in LEDs that can match the music, and with their PartyCast feature it can synchronize light and audio across all Soundcore audio devices.
It features a large 6,700 mAh battery that is rated for 16 hours of music playback. It charges via USB-C and comes with Anker’s PowerIQ charge-out technology, which allows users to charge their devices straight from the speaker.
The Soundcore Select Pro is available for purchase on Flipkart for a price of Rs. 7999.