Lava has launched the Lava Blaze Nxt, the company’s latest 4G smartphone in the Blaze series, after the launch of Blaze Pro back in September and Blaze in July. It has a 6.5-inch HD+ display, is powered by the MediaTek Helio G37 SoC compared to A22 in the Blaze, has 4GB of RAM with an additional 3GB of virtual RAM.
It runs Android 12, and the company promises 2 years of security updates. The phone has a 13-megapixel rear camera along with a 2MP depth sensor and a VGA camera, 8MP front camera, rear-mounted fingerprint scanner and packs a 5000 mAh battery with support for 10W charging over USB Type-C.
Lava Blaze Nxt specifications
- 6.5-inch (1600 × 720 pixels) HD+ display
- Octa Core MediaTek Helio G37 12nm processor with IMG PowerVR GE8320 GPU
- 4GB RAM, 64GB internal storage, expandable memory up to 256GB with microSD
- Android 12
- Dual SIM (nano + nano + microSD)
- 13MP rear camera with f/1.8 aperture, 2MP depth sensor, VGA camera, LED Flash
- 8MP front-facing camera with f/2.0 aperture
- Rear-mounted fingerprint scanner
- 3.5mm audio jack, FM Radio
- 4G VoLTE, Wi-Fi 802.11 ac, Bluetooth 5.0, GPS + GLONASS, USB Type-C
- 5000mAh battery with 10w charging
Pricing and availability
The Lava Blaze Nxt comes in Glass Green, Glass Red and Glass Blue colours, is priced at Rs. 9,299 and will be available from and Lava website starting from December 2nd.
Lava offers a ‘free service at home’ to the customers, in which service will be provided at customers’ doorstep.
Commenting on the launch, Tejinder Singh, Product Head, Lava International Limited, said:
The Blaze NXT has been launched keeping in mind consumer feedback and aligns with Lava’s vision of introducing hi-tech smartphones at an affordable price point. With the new smartphone, which is reasonably priced and has a great design, camera, and user experience, we hope to improve our customers’ overall experience. The Blaze NXT comes with Glass Back and is the classiest entry-level smartphone to meet the demands of next-gen consumers.