Ahead of TATA IPL 2023, Reliance Jio has launched three new cricket plans starting from Rs. 219, offering 3 GB/day data along with up to 40GB of bonus data that can be used once the user exhausts the daily quota. The plans offer free and unlimited calls and 100 SMS/day.
For those who need more data, Jio has also launched 3 add-on packs which start from Rs. 222 and go up to Rs. 667 offering up to 150GB of data with a validity of 90 days.
Plans | Pack Validity | Data | Other benefits |
Rs. 219 | 14 days | 3GB/day + 2GB | Unlimited Voice calls and 100 SMS / Day |
Rs. 399 | 28 days | 3GB/day + 6GB | |
Rs. 999 | 84 days | 3GB/day + 40GB | |
Rs. 222 | As per active Plan | 50GB | As per active Plan |
Rs. 444 | 60 days | 100GB | |
Rs. 667 | 90 days | 150GB |
Similar to the other plans, Jio is bundling several benefits including access to JioTV, JioCinema, JioSecurity and JioCloud with the plan.
Reliance Jio is also advertising unlimited 5G data with the Rs. 399 and Rs. 999 plans, since it already said that plans with active prepaid base plan of Rs. 239 or higher will be eligible for Jio Welcome offer.
The new Cricket plans are available on Jio’s website, MyJio app and should be available at all existing checkpoints.