LG unveiled the PRADA 3.0, their 3rd generation PRADA phone in collaboration with LG earlier this month. The PRADA 3.0 is also the first PRADA phone to run on Android. The phone is now available for Korean customers. It features 4.3 inch (800 x 480 pixels) NOVA Plus display with 800-nit brightness. It is powered by 1.0 GHz Dual core processor with Dual Channel architecture and runs on Android 2.3 (Gingerbread) that is up-gradable to Android’s Ice Cream Sandwich.
This phone is just 8.5 mm thick and comes with 8 GB eMMC that is expandable up to 32GB with MicroSD, 8 MP autofocus camera and 1540 mAh Battery. The LG PRADA 3.0 would be available in most European countries and other parts of Asia in January.